Saturday, June 10, 2006

Chronicles Of the Box-Office # 1

Let me set the scene:
To pay for my rent / PhD / food / whatever you like, I work (far too many hours) for a River Cruises company on the river Thames. Which means that I encounter daily a category of humanity which bears the worse as much as the best features: the TOURIST. Aaaargh you shudder struck by a feeling of horror.... Get hooked up if you want some snippets from the Box Office.
-- One of our products is called the 'Circular Cruise'. I guess you are all too clever to need an explanation. Really? --
Customer: Can I do a return trip?
Ticket Agent (me!): yes, this is a circular cruise....
C: yeah, but I mean, can I return here?
T.A: Yes, the cruise is circular.
C: Whaddayamean?!
T.A. -- starting to be clearly exasperated-- : it does a CIRCLE, so, BY DEFINITION, it returns.
C.: and it returns here???
T.A.: yes.... [maybe I should have said 'no, it returns to Windsor'....?]
C: aaaaah. ok. Can I have a single, please?


HB said...

I miss grumpy sweetie stories from CATS! Oh, how I miss them.

Anonymous said...

Mouarrrf :)